Matthew Van Buskirk
Hummingbird Regtech
シンガポールで開催されるフィンテックの大型イベント「Singapore Fintech Festival」、米国や欧州などで開催されるフィンテック分野では世界最大級のカンファレンス・展示会イベント「Money 20/20」、フィンテックカンファレンス「Finovate Europe」、「ABA Regulatory Compliance Conference(ABA規制コンプライアンス・カンファレンス)」などのイベントやカンファレンスで、また、アイルランド中央銀行、オランダ中央銀行、米連邦取引委員会、米国土安全保障省、米連邦準備銀行といった政府機関などでスピーカーとして登壇するなど、豊富な経験を積んでいます。
Matt Van Buskirk is Co-CEO of Hummingbird Regtech. Hummingbird aims to give superpowers to the compliance professionals. Its service is designed to enhance AML teams by reducing cumbersome paperwork, providing insightful analytics, and enabling collaboration.
Hummingbird is on a mission to turn the tables against criminals who pollute our financial system. Modern criminals are sophisticated, tech-savvy, and agile. The tools used to fight financial crimes should be, too. Prior to launching Hummingbird, Matt was the Director of Regulatory Affairs at Circle.com, an international consumer payments startup leveraging blockchain technology and a regulator with the OTS under the U.S. Treasury Department.
His speaking credentials include the Singapore Fintech Festival, Money 2020 in the U.S. and Europe, Finovate Europe, the ABA Regulatory Compliance Conference, and at government agencies such as the Irish and Dutch Central Banks, the Federal Trade Commission, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Federal Reserve.